Bay Division Pipeline Nos. 3 & 4 Seismic Upgrade
- Location: Fremont, CA
- Role: Land Survey
- Agency: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
- Final Cost: $73,000,000.00
This project is part of the Water System Improvement Program (WSIP), a voter approved measure designed to repair, replace and successfully retrofit the water system infrastructure. Bay Division Pipeline Nos. 3 & 4 cross the Hayward fault therefore it is susceptible to damage should an earthquake occur. The seismic upgrade will enable the pipeline to withstand fault movements. The seismic enhancements include: replacement of large sections of the existing pipeline; construction of underground structures designed to absorb earth movement and prevent pipeline rupture, which includes construction of a concrete vault, with a special set of joints at each end of the fault crossing to allow the pipe to safely absorb the fault’s movement to prevent rupturing.
Telamon performed topographic survey, right-of-way search, underground utilities survey, access permit coordination, pothole plans, identify high/low risks utilities, plan and profile of relocated utility (12”W, 30”W and 15” SS mains).