SFIA Canal & Wetland Survey
- Location: San Francisco, California
- Role: Land Surveyor
- Client: LSA Associates
This project was part of the San Francisco International Airport (SFIA) SFGS Recovery Action Plan. TECI performed land surveying to support the Environmental Consultant effort in identifying location along the Cupid Row Canal / South Lomita Canal / Wastewater Treatment Plant areas to recreate aquatic habitats.
TECI survey includes: top and toe of bank, adjacent trail and fences, channel openings, concrete foundations, wetland deepening depth, sediment trap and outlet structure adjacent to CalTrain tracks. Survey was performed on California NAD 83 horizontal datum and NGVD 29 vertical datum. TECI provided AutoCAD generated drawing of the survey including 1’ contours with the provided Aerial survey as background. Extra consideration and planning was given on this survey project due to the sensitivity of the wetland areas and the survey of submerged portion of the canal and wetland.