Tesla Treatment Facility

  • Location: Tracy, CA
  • Role: Construction Staking
  • Agency: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
  • Final Cost: $111,000,000.00

TThe Tesla Treatment Facility Project is part of the WSIP program of SFPUC. It includes the construction of a new ultraviolet Water Treatment Facility with a new chemical water treatment building, an operations building, tanks and other support structures. The new chemical storage and water treatment facilities satisfy the seismic design criteria that are necessary for this post disaster structure. It replaces the existing 75-year old structure that does not meet the current earthquake standards. 

TECI worked with the Contractor to perform field engineering and construction staking in accordance to the contract documents including verifying existing control, establishment of survey control baselines and performance of all required office calculations. TECI provided the Field Measurements, Benchmark Data, as well as the As-Built information.